How to Strengthen Your Immune System

Resource Page

COVID-19 Virus Recovery Tips

If you have experienced any of the symptoms from this virus the tips in this blog are worth a try. Read More

Grounding or Earthing is one one of the tools we have found beneficial in supporting the bodies immune system.. Read More

Sodium Bentonite Clay Natural Healing. Read More

COVID-19 Viral Markers - These are foot prints left in the body after the infection is gone. Read More

Breathing - Simple but life Changing

If you are working to recover from the symptoms of a viral infection breathing correctly is a great place to start. Click this link to read my Blog post on simple directions on how to redirect your breathing back into your lungs. Read More

Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response (Harvard Health Education). Read More

How to Strengthen Your Immune System in the Face of the COVID-19 Virus

This is an update on the COVID-19 from our sauna manufacture that provides some good tips on reducing stress and improving health. Read More

Deadly viruses are no match for plain, old soap — here’s the science behind it

Did you know that a Virus is not alive? This is a great article on the science of a virus and the power of soap to deconstruct the molecular structure of a virus. Read More

COVID-19 Patients Should Avoid THC

Considering the legalization of this drug in Colorado, I wanted to share this report as something for your awareness. In the article Julie Aurelius, CEO Aurelius Data, provides a simple warning “It stands to reason that the same would hold true for Coronavirus and THC consumption could diminish the immune system of someone infected with the virus,” . Read More

Health Benefits of Honey are Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antivirals, Antifungal, Anticancer, Antioxidants

This is a very detailed research article about the health benefits of honey . Below is a copy of the antiviral properties of honey.

Influenza is a highly infectious respiratory disease of viral origin that causes even more deaths than the respiratory syncytial virus at all ages, except in children less than a year old [1451]. Influenza viruses are transmitted from person to person through the air, especially from droplets expelled during coughing and sneezing and are a serious threat to human health, and there is an urgent need for the development of new drugs against these viruses. Therefore, the anti-influenza virus activity of honey from several sources was studied [53]. The results showed that honey, in general, and particularly Manuka honey, has potent inhibitory activity against the influenza virus, demonstrating a potential medicinal value [53]. In addition to honey, propolis has also been studied against the influenza virus and appears to decrease the activity of the influenza virus [54]. Read More

Cruz, Bruna Costa Ferreira da, et al. “Health Benefits of Honey.” IntechOpen, IntechOpen, 23 July 2019,

Hibiscus Tea has antiviral benefits

High antiviral effects of hibiscus tea extract on the H5 subtypes of low and highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Read More

Why vitamin C won't 'boost' your immune system against the coronavirus

This article provides a good warning not to believe everything you read and to follow a healthy lifestyle. With that in mind, the title has a negative heading but the information provided about vitamin C is valuable and a good reminder that it is part of a healthy immune response. Below is a copy of the ending of the article. Read More

In short, the body relies on vitamin C to launch an effective immune response while sustaining minimal damage. However, the body can't make its own vitamin C or store the nutrient efficiently, as the water-soluble vitamin dissolves once ingested and is excreted in the urine, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The best way to meet your daily requirement is to consume vitamin-rich fruits, vegetables and fortified foods.

Air ionisers wipe out hospital infections

Negative ions are electrically charged particles in the air that remove air contaminants and have been proven to have a rejuvenating effect upon our health.  Below is an article from 2003 that provides some good news on how ions are being used to clean the air we breath. Read More

Effects of Negative IONS on the Immune System

I found the information in this blog as a helpful tool to understand Negative ions. However, I have never used their product and can not provide any feedback about their products. Below is a portion of the blog.

“Negative ions can improve our immune system by strengthening our immunity cells, making them more energetic, healthy and therefore enhance their ability to destroy the pathogens.

Negative ions can also speed up the production of antibodies by the lymphocytes, increasing the number of antibodies in our bodies. With a strong immune system, we will be less prone to falling sick and even if we do, we will be better equipped to destroy pathogens and improve recovery time.” Read More

Homboy, Kenneth. “EFFECTS OF NEGATIVE IONS ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.” Oxy, Oxy-Angel, 12 Oct. 2019,

The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

Below are two links, the first is a detailed research from the Journal of Inflammation Research. This research contains research confirming that grounding can accelerate the recovery process and reduce collateral damage within the healing process. Read More

Oschman, James L, et al. “The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing, and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases.” Journal of Inflammation Research, Dove Medical Press, 24 Mar. 2015,

Copper’s Virus-Killing Powers Were Known Even to the Ancients

Did you know that copper has natural ani-viral properties. With this in mind we are starting to look at how to include this powerful metal in more places in our space and in the products we offer our clients. This is a great scientific article on copper if you would like to learn more. Read More

How to boost your immune system - Harvard Health

This article provides some general guidelines on health but is limited in confirmed science and direction. However, it does highlight that the immune response is a system and requires several factors to remain in good health. Reducing stress and sleep are two important factors listed. Read More