Sodium Bentonite Clay Natural Healing

As we continue to experiment and try new things, we have found that Sodium Bentonite Clay applied topically on the skin through clay patches on specific points of the body have become a powerful tool in helping our clients recover from exposure to Covid. The negative ion and electromagnetic properties of the clay in combination with a grounding pad have consistently removed the tender areas created from the virus in the body. We have also seen the lingering side effects of neck/shoulder stiffness, loss of smell and headaches lesson or simply go away. Through trial and error we have also found that calcium based bentonite clay versus sodium has been less beneficial in the removal of the tenderness of these viral markers in the body.

Below are three links for your reference. The first link is to my blog about the location of the viral markers for the placement of a topical clay patch if you decide to give it a try. The second link is to an article on 10 uses for bentonite clay that I found interesting. The final link is to an article from Arizona State University on how they are looking at the metal ions in clay to attack MRSA and other infections.

Covid Viral Markers in the body after the Infection (Foot Prints)

10 Uses for Bentonite Clay by Tracey Black

Attacking MRSA with metals from antibacterial clays by Shelley Haydel, a researcher at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute and associate professor in the School of Life Sciences.

Disclaimer of Medical Liability:

 Jim and Julie’s Place and the statements on this website do not provide medical advice.  The contents of the sites are for general informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Reliance on any information provided on the sites is solely at your own risk.  Individual medical needs are very different; you should not assume that the information on the sites concerning certain courses of treatment or outcomes will apply to you.  Rather, you should evaluate your medical condition and make treatment decisions based upon consulting your physician.


Recovering from Covid and Everyday Health -Grounding


COVID-19 Viral Markers