COVID-19 Viral Markers

These are foot prints left in the body after the infection is gone.
— Jim Ethridge

On March 28, 2020 during prayer, God gave me both wisdom and understanding about the Covid-19 virus and the location of specific markers that remain in the body after the infection is gone. These markers are located on the right side of C7 and T10 vertebrae, right side of the chest at the 3rd and 4th rib, right side of the neck at the base of the Thyroid and on the right side of the nose. All of these markers are able to be identified through touch with a positive indicator being a sharp and unusual pain.

Why are these important and what can you do about them? We have found when these are removed the prolonged symptoms specifically around cognitive issues and fatigue rapidly improve. These markers seem to have a bonding that can be disrupted with a Sodium Bentonite Clay patch placed on each of these spots while the person is grounded through an anti-static pad (Grounding Mat) or in a simple salt water foot soak. They can also be removed quickly through a pin and stretch process but this is painful and not the preferred method.

The following is a list of the ingredients, sequence and how it all works together.

The ingredients (shopping List).
Sodium Bentonite Clay, Warm Water, Grounding (Anti-static) Mat or a warm salt water foot bath.

The Sequence (Directions)
1. Mix the Sodium Benton Clay in a plastic ziplock bag with water until it has a smooth texture that can be squeezed out the bag. (You will be cutting the corner of the bag to simplify the process.).

2. Cut a paper towel into three 3”x3” square pieces.

3. Cut the corner of the ziplock bag and squeeze the mud on each of the four pieces of paper towl. Use a liberal amount of mud on each square.

4. Place one mud patch on the chest, one on the base of the neck, one on the mid back. You can also place some mud on the right side of the throat and nose but these areas are sensative and the mud is to aggressive for the skin. With that in mind you can rub these areas softly until the tnderness goes away. Below are images of each of these areas for you to use as a reference.

5. Enjoy a cup of Hibiscus Tea and sit with your feet on a grounding mat for 15 minutes. After the tea is gone and the time is over, remove the mud patches, wash the skin and press on the spots to confirm that the tenderness is gone.

  • If you feel any discomfort or reaction to the clay on the skin, stop the process and wash the area. We have not seen this issue but it is important that you keep control of your health.

    Disclaimer of Medical Liability:

    The statements on this website do not provide medical advice.  The contents of the sites are for general informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Reliance on any information provided on the sites is solely at your own risk.  Individual medical needs are very different; you should not assume that the information on the sites concerning certain courses of treatment or outcomes will apply to you.  Rather, you should evaluate your medical condition and make treatment decisions based upon consulting your physician.


Sodium Bentonite Clay Natural Healing


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