Breathing - Simple but Life Changing

Did you know that simply taking time to breath slowly in your nose and out your mouth with purpose and presence can help you heal? I am often surprised how quickly the body begins to release tension and heal with intentional breathing. The process is simple, we need to breath into our lungs with the intent of moving the diaphragm and expanding the ribs. Often people are either shallow breathing or taking their breath into the stomach causing the diaphragm to not work correctly.

How to Breath

1) Become present in the moment and picture your lungs and rib cage. This will become important in a minute.

2) Breath in your nose and push the air into your lungs until your chest raises towards your chin. If you feel your stomach move stop the breath, relax and try again. This can take 20 plus attempts before the air starts flowing into the lungs correctly.

3) Continue breathing in through your nose expanding your rib cage outward on the sides (focus on filling your lungs with air). Your breating should become easier as your rib cage relaxes and start moving with your breath.

4) Now you can adjust your exhale. On each exhale blow out your mouth and empty your lungs pulling your stomach towards your spine to fully engage the diaphragm and fully exhale the air in your lungs.

Enjoy each day and take time to breath.

The simple truth is God gave us life through his breath and if we take the time to breath in and out through our lungs we experience this life-giving gift.


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