What are the benefits of a HydroThermo massage ?

Both warm water immersion and massage therapy are age-old treatments that have long been known to improve a staggering array of ailments, as well as promote overall wellness.

In hydromassage, those two treatments come together, creating a potent combination of benefits. Here are some of the many things that hydromassage has to offer:

  1. Improved skin

  2. Better circulation

  3. Healthier heart function

  4. Pain relief

  5. All the benefits of massage

  6. All the benefits of hot tubs

Benefits Citation: https://aqualivingstores.com/blog/6-hydromassage-benefits-you-need-to-know-about/

What creates the massage?

The number and strategic positioning of the air jets, powered by a 600-watt turbine, deliver an effective, even massage to specific acupressure points located all over your body, including your legs, back and arms.

How is hygiene maintained within the air system?

Bain Ultra’s unique drainage system ensures optimal hygiene, an important factor in your overall health,

  • Conduits that drain and dry fully (no stagnant water)

  • drying cycle that activates automatically