Simple Truth - The Body is Designed to Move

Have you ever looked at your body as a design by God, every fiber is perfectly woven and connected together to move us in this world. As I work with people on improving their body functioning and recovery from injury, I am often in awe of how beautifully simple and yet complex God made each of us. Let me explain.

The simple truth is skin has a direction to each fiber (see below), the fascia underneath is perfectly placed to move with the skin and the muscles are enclosed in the fascia to move the body as one beautiful sheet of fabric. Below this material of skin and muscle are perfectly placed bones all with specific joints that are held together and attach to the fascia with tendons and ligaments in precise direction to allow us to move. The design is so precise that you can see perfect symmetry from the back to the front and from the inside to the outside. In fact, as you look harder you will notice precise measurements of angles and distances for the perfect use of every element of movement and energy. You can see the design was for eternity and without the fall of man in the garden the body would regenerate and move for eternity.

I am always saying, “God created us with strong bodies, not weak bodies. Our bodies can heal and our struggle is not with the flesh but with the spirit. Be kind to your body and trust in the Lord. “


Blaschko lines are consistently V-shaped on the upper spine, S-shaped on the abdomen, inverted U-shaped from the breast area to the upper arm, and perpendicular down the front and back of the lower extremities. They never cross the anterior truncal midline but run along it. These lines are invisible but many inherited and acquired diseases of skin manifest themselves according to these patterns creating the visual appearance of these lines. Blaschko lines Blaschko's lines Blaschko's lines Blaschko's lines

Attribution:DermNet, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 (New Zealand),

fascia lines.png

Fascia is the overall fabric that makes up our body.

There are 12 fascial lines in our body.  These lines wrap around muscles, separate muscle fibers, and muscles from bones, as well as connect them. They are involved in all movements the human body is capable of performing. That includes the movement of internal organs like the diaphragm, which is needed for breathing.

Every single muscle is wrapped in fascia and each bundle of fascia is connected to another bundle of fascia, which means that everything in the body is connected to everything else.

Fascia Body.jpeg

Muscles are responsible for every single movement in our body .

There are approximately 650 muscles and 187 joints in our body. These are the number of muscles which we can easily defined but in our body even every single hair has its own muscle.


Genesis 2:7

And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.



Clover Honey - Natural and Good for you.


Simple Truth - The body is talking